
Saudi Arabia, an Islamic country in the Middle East, has achieved a big achievement in the month of Ramadan. The world's first mosque built with 3D printing technology has been inaugurated in Jeddah city of Saudi Arabia. 

The mosque based on 3D printing technology has been built in Jawhara, Jeddah. The mosque is named after the late Abdulaziz Abdullah Sharbatli. Abdulaziz's wife, famous Saudi entrepreneur Wajnat Abdulwaheed, has built the mosque in the memory of her husband.

The mosque project was being headed by Abdulwaheed, the owner of Fursan Real Estate. To build the mosque, Abdulwaheed used the technology purchased from a state-of-the-art 3D printer from the famous Chinese manufacturer Guanli, a big name in the field of 3D printing.

how big is the mosque

The mosque is a magnificent example of state-of-the-art technology and tradition and has been built over an area of ​​5,600 square meters.

Describing about the mosque, Abdulwaheed explained in detail that the mosque is a symbol of architectural beauty. He said that the mosque has been designed in such a way that it will promote the feeling of peace and hospitality among the people. He says that Saudi Arabia has become the first country to build a huge mosque using this technology.

The construction of the 3D printing mosque promotes the ambitious project 'Vision 2030' of Saudi Arabia's de facto ruler, Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Salman. This vision aims to diversify Saudi's oil-based economy. Under this, Saudi is investing heavily in areas like foreign investment and tourism.

Saudi Arabia is the home of the holy Mecca and Medina.

Mecca and Medina are known as the two holiest sites in Islam. Both these holy cities are located in Saudi Arabia. Every year lakhs of tourists reach Saudi Arabia for Hajj and Umrah in Mecca. Saudi Arabia is also changing its image as a conservative Islamic country and adopting liberal Islam to diversify its economy.
