
The number of patients suffering from diabetes across the world is increasing day by day. Diabetic patients mostly have problems with eating and drinking. Sometimes they do not understand which things to include in their diet. Health experts believe that type-2 diabetes can be prevented with a healthy diet and proper lifestyle. Similarly, you can include Kundru vegetables in your diet. This vegetable is no less than a boon for diabetic patients. The scientific name of Kundru is Coccinia cordifolia. Kundru is known by many names like Tendala, Tindola, Choti Lauki, and Tela Kucha.

The plant growing on the Kundru vine looks like Kachari and Parwal. Kundru vegetable looks very tasty to eat. It is considered very beneficial for heart and diabetes patients. Many vitamins and nutrients are found in Kundru which are beneficial for health. Properties like vitamins, minerals, calcium, fiber, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial are found in Kundru.

Kundru is a boon for diabetic patients

A diabetic patient has to eat very thoughtfully. Due to disturbances in eating habits, blood sugar starts increasing immediately. In such a situation, a diabetic patient must include Kundru in his diet. The anti anti-hyperglycemic effect is found in Kundru. Which helps in controlling increased blood sugar levels. Its glycemic index is very low. Consuming this fiber-rich vegetable keeps the stomach full for a long time. Its consumption also reduces obesity. Along with Kundru, its leaves are also effective in providing relief from many health problems. Many types of nutrients are present in it.

Consuming Kundru will increase immunity

Vitamins and minerals are found in Kundru. Due to this immunity is strengthened. By consuming Kundru the body gets Vitamin C. Kundru strengthens immunity and helps protect the body from infections. Kundru also contains a good amount of iron. Iron deficiency causes fatigue, in such a situation if you consume Kundru, weakness or tiredness will remain away.

Consumption of tuberose will reduce the risk of heart attack.

There are many nutrients present in Kundru that relieve your heart-related problems. Flavonoids are found in Kundru, which are full of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These help in keeping your heart healthy and active. Kundru also reduces free radicals that increase heart problems.
