
The nutrients present in almonds, walnuts, cashews and raisins are very important for the health of our body. These dry fruits work to improve our deteriorated health. Apart from these, there is another dry fruit which is very beneficial in terms of health. Figs are such nuts which work like a Sanjeevani herb for our health. Figs are consumed both as fruits and dry fruits. According to Ayurveda, figs destroy bile diseases and are especially beneficial in stomach, heart, and brain diseases. But should this fruit be consumed in the summer season? Actually, the nature of figs is hot, so if it is not consumed properly in hot weather, then many types of problems can occur. Let us know how to consume figs in summer?

Figs are rich in nutrients:

Figs are rich in fiber, potassium, magnesium. It also contains antioxidants that help fight radicals. Overall, figs are a storehouse of properties that are considered very beneficial for health. But it should be consumed with caution in summers.

Disadvantages of eating figs in summer

Figs are hot in nature, so people do not eat them in summer. It has been claimed in many reports that eating too many figs in summer can cause stomach pain and bloating. It can also cause stone problem in the stomach. Actually, the oxalate present in it increases the problem of stone. Its consumption can cause migraine and calcium deficiency. Therefore, in this season, you should eat only 1 or 2 figs throughout the day.

How to consume figs in summer?

Soak it in water and eat it: In summers, soak it in water before eating it and then consume it. First of all, take 1 or 2 figs and then soak them in water overnight. The effect of soaked figs becomes cold. 

Eat after soaking in milk:  Eating figs after soaking them in milk increases the nutrients manifold. Soaking them in milk makes them healthy and nutritious. 
