
Spices to Lower Cholesterol:  Cholesterol is a type of fat that is normally found in our blood. There are two types of it, good and bad, and it is necessary for the body in a limited amount. But due to increased levels of bad cholesterol (High Cholesterol), the risk of heart diseases increases.

Due to this, arteries can get blocked, which can cause heart attack and stroke. Therefore, it is very important to control cholesterol. Although lifestyle plays an important role in this, but do you know that some spices present in your kitchen (Spices to Reduce Cholesterol) can also reduce cholesterol levels.

Spices to lower cholesterol


Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties are found in garlic. It can help reduce cholesterol. Daily consumption of garlic helps in reducing bad cholesterol (LDL). Also, it reduces inflammation, which keeps the arteries healthy.


Cinnamon is a spice known for its flavor, but it also has health benefits. The compound coumarin found in cinnamon helps lower blood sugar levels, which in turn helps control cholesterol.

Black pepper

Black pepper is a very common spice, which is used in almost every kitchen. It contains a compound called piperine, which can reduce fat in the body. This helps in reducing cholesterol levels.


Turmeric is known for its color and medicinal properties. It contains a compound called curcumin, which is an antioxidant. Curcumin may help prevent the oxidation of cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart disease.

Ajwain (Carom Seeds)

Celery is an Indian spice known for its flavor and medicinal properties. It contains a compound called thymol, which may improve digestion and reduce cholesterol absorption.

Fenugreek (Methi)

Fenugreek is known for its flavor and medicinal properties . It contains phenolic acid, which can help lower cholesterol levels.