
New Delhi. For centuries, almost every Indian's favorite drink in the summer season is lassi or buttermilk. Both of these are drinks prepared from curd. However, the method of making them and their taste are quite different. On one hand, lassi tastes sweet, on the other hand, buttermilk tastes salty.

While making lassi, curd is whipped well, powdered sugar is added to it and then dry fruit pieces are added and toppings of any flavour like mango, saffron, gulab jamun are added. This enhances the taste of lassi and then it is served with a layer of cream. While making buttermilk, after whipping curd well, water is added to it, then black salt , ground roasted cumin is added and mixed.

Buttermilk vs Yogurt

Both are beneficial for providing relief from heat and for the stomach. They improve digestion and are rich in calcium, vitamin B12, protein, zinc and especially probiotics, but do you know that there is a slight difference between these two in terms of overall nutrition. So today in this article we will know which among buttermilk and lassi is more beneficial for health.


After drinking buttermilk, you feel light. The reason for this is that buttermilk is a light drink, because it has more water content. Buttermilk has less calories than lassi and it is also less acidic. While preparing it, black salt, roasted cumin powder and green coriander are added to it, which further increases its nutritional value. It helps in digesting food properly and also keeps the stomach cool.


On the other hand, after drinking lassi, the stomach gets filled well. It is made of pure curd and to enhance its taste, cream is also added along with sugar. These things make lassi a little unhealthy as compared to buttermilk. In such a situation, buttermilk is a better option than lassi for diabetic patients and people following a weight loss diet. Buttermilk should be consumed to lose weight.

Buttermilk or curd- which is better

Buttermilk also provides relief from bloating. It provides relief from constipation and acidity, strengthens bones. It is rich in calcium, vitamin B complex and potassium, which keeps blood pressure under control. Buttermilk has 50% less calories and 75% less fat than lassi. Overall, it can be said that buttermilk is a much better option than buttermilk and lassi.

