
New Delhi. Small children are masters of their own will. If they feel like it, they eat well or else they remain hungry for hours without eating. In such a situation, parents lose their temper and scold the child, threaten him and some parents even raise their hands on the children to make them eat. However, it is important to understand here that scolding or beating children too much is not the solution to this problem.

Children behave according to their age. They have no idea of ​​right or wrong. Therefore, to teach the right thing, one should know how to handle the child properly. To increase interest in healthy food, the child should be motivated so that he himself tries to eat healthy food. Let us know how to motivate the child for healthy eating-

Motivate children for healthy eating in these ways-

  • Read interesting picture books to your child that contain stories related to healthy eating. Children are very attracted to such books and become aware of following such a lifestyle.
  • Bring a change in yourself. Do not compare the child with others regarding food, do not shout at him or punish him in any way. These things further reduce the desire to eat. Praise the child for eating, clap, encourage him, due to which the child does not show tantrums before eating again.
  • Show movies that show the ill effects of unhealthy eating and explain the benefits of a healthy diet. Children get inspired by this.
  • Maintain a healthy diet yourself so that your child follows you. Your child tries to eat whatever you eat. In such a situation, keep your diet healthy so that you also get benefit and you can become a role model in front of your child and make him aware of proper eating habits.
  • Stop bringing unhealthy food items into the house. If you do not keep things like sauces, biscuits, noodles, mayonnaise, chips, chocolates at home, then your consumption of these will automatically be limited. It is easier to eat these when they are easily available. If it is necessary to keep them at home, then keep them away from the reach of children.
