
New Delhi.  We pack a lot of food items during travel in summer, but this food gets spoiled very quickly. If there are children along, then there is more tension as to what to pack that does not get spoiled and which the children do not make a fuss while eating. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you some such options for traveling, which are healthy and also do not get spoiled for many days. 

Banana chips

Instead of potato chips, carry banana chips with you while travelling. These are filling as well as healthy. Made with less spices and oil, these chips are also liked by children. While potato chips can cause gas and acidity, the chances of these problems occurring by eating banana chips are negligible. Eating these while travelling does not upset the stomach and also maintains energy.

Dry Roast Makhana

Lotus seeds are the best snacks to satisfy your hunger pangs. Children will also like them. Roast them in ghee till they turn crunchy. Sprinkle black salt, red chilli, amchur, cumin powder on top and prepare healthy snacks for the journey. 

Mix Nuts

Most people carry chips with them while travelling because children can easily eat them, but if we talk about health, then this is not a good option at all. Chips full of calories  increase cholesterol along with weight . Instead, carry mixed nuts in your bag. You can also pack cashews, raisins, almonds, dates, figs, melon seeds, roasted gram and peanuts among the nuts. These do not harm you in any way apart from filling your stomach. 
