
Diabetes is a disease in which the body either cannot produce enough insulin or is unable to use it properly. This increases the amount of glucose in the blood. This disease can be caused by genetic reasons, obesity, unhealthy lifestyle and less physical activity. In today's time, this disease is increasing rapidly due to poor eating habits and stressful lifestyle.


This disease seriously affects the quality of life by causing heart diseases, kidney problems and damage to the nervous system . In such a situation, diabetes can be kept under control by adopting some healthy habits and avoiding certain things in the diet. There are some fruits from which people with diabetes should stay away. Let's know about these fruits.


Diabetes patients should not eat these fruits

  • Banana- Banana contains high amount of sugar and carbohydrates, which can increase the blood sugar level rapidly. Therefore, diabetic patients should consume it in limited quantity.
  • Mango- Mango contains high amount of natural sugar, which can cause a sudden increase in sugar levels. Therefore, diabetic persons should avoid eating it.
  • Grapes- Grapes also contain high amount of sugar, which increases the glucose level in the blood. Therefore, it should also be consumed in limited quantity.
  • Litchi- A good amount of natural sugar is found in litchi, which can rapidly increase the blood sugar level in the body. Therefore, diabetic patients should avoid consuming it.
  • Dates- Dates have a low glycemic index, but consuming it in large quantities can be harmful for diabetic patients.
  • Pineapple- Pineapple sugar also contains a high amount of sugar, consumption of which can be risky for diabetic patients .
  • Sapota- Sapota contains high amount of sugar, due to which the sugar level can increase rapidly. Therefore, diabetic patients should avoid Sapota.
  • Watermelon- Although the amount of sugar in watermelon is low, but its excessive consumption can increase the sugar level. Therefore, it can be consumed in small quantities.


The sugar level in these fruits is high, hence diabetic patients should consume these fruits as little as possible so that the sugar level remains under control.