
Lifestyle Desk, New Delhi. Curd for Hair: To avoid hair related problems, women resort to various beauty products or expensive hair care treatments, but it is not possible to take these treatments all the time, because they are expensive and taking hair spa repeatedly spoils your hair even more.

In such a situation, today we have brought for you the recipe of making curd hair spa cream. There are many such properties present in curd which control the problem of dandruff in your hair. Along with this, it increases the growth of your hair and makes your hair silky and shiny, so let's know the recipe of making curd hair spa cream.

Ingredients to make Yogurt Hair Spa Cream

  • Curd - 1 cup
  • Cow milk - 1/2 cup
  • Honey - 2 teaspoons
  • Egg- 1
  • Olive oil - 1 teaspoon

Recipe for Yogurt Hair Spa Cream

  • To make this, first put curd in a bowl.
  • Then beat it well.
  • After this add cow milk, honey and egg to it.
