
New Delhi. Harms of Over-boiling of Milk Tea:  Tea is such a drink that you will find many lovers of it around you. Many people like tea so much that they start their day with tea. In such a situation, people like to drink green tea, black tea, lemon tea and milk tea according to their taste and health. Among these, milk tea is liked the most. In such a situation, there are some people who like only tea prepared by adding more tea leaves in milk and boiling it for a long time.

But do you know that boiling tea for too long can be harmful to your health? Yes, this is true. Tea boiled for too long can have a bad effect on health. Let us know how long it is right to boil milk tea and the harmful effects of boiling it too much on health.

Harmful effects of boiling tea for a long time

Deficiency of iron and calcium in the body

Boiling milk tea for a long time increases the amount of tannin in it, which hinders the absorption of nutrients. Apart from this, excessive tannin causes iron deficiency in the body, due to which there is a fear of anemia.

The acidity of tea increases

Boiling milk tea too much changes its pH, making the tea more acidic.

Cancer risk

Over boiling milk tea produces carcinogenic substance acrylamide, which is harmful for health.

Digestive problems

Drinking tea with excessively boiled milk can cause problems like acidity, stomach ache and constipation.

Raises blood pressure

Boiling already boiled tea further increases the amount of tannin in it, which increases blood pressure.

Changed taste

Boiling milk tea too much changes its taste.

Loss of nutrients

By boiling milk tea too much, many nutrients present in the milk like protein, Vitamin D and calcium are destroyed.
