New Delhi : There is no dearth of people who are fond of drinking tea here. Here people's day starts with tea and the day also ends with a cup of tea. Some people have such a habit of drinking tea that they drink bed tea as soon as they wake up. Milk tea made from milk, sugar, tea leaves and ginger or cardamom may be great in taste, but it causes a lot of harm to health. This tea made from milk is very addictive, due to which one feels like drinking it again and again. However, milk tea can cause a lot of harm to health when it enters the body. Let's know the disadvantages of milk tea.
Tea contains caffeine, which can cause bloating. The mixture of milk and caffeine causes gas production, which leads to bloating.
Theophylline is found in tea which causes dehydration in the body and constipation. Therefore, most small children feel sensitivity to the protein found in milk, which causes constipation.
Nutritional deficiencies
Milk and tea leaves together prevent many nutrients from being absorbed, which leads to a deficiency of nutrients in the body. This leads to a deficiency of iron and zinc in particular.
Reduce the effect of tea
A flavonoid found in tea, called catechin, is considered beneficial for the heart, but according to a study, a group of proteins found in milk reduces the density of catechin when mixed with tea leaves.
The caffeine present in milk tea disrupts the sleep cycle, which can lead to insomnia at night.
Gaining weight
The full fat milk and sugar present in milk tea causes rapid weight gain.
Other problems
Among other problems, consumption of milk tea can also cause symptoms like headache, acidity, vomiting, nausea, loss of appetite, anxiety.