
The Lancet Global Commission has talked about changing the way obesity is measured. Yes, till now obesity was detected only by BMI, but now scientists say that this method is not completely correct. They feel that to accurately detect obesity, we should also see where the fat is deposited in the body, especially around the stomach. For this, waist measurement and some other methods can also be used. Let's know about this new report in detail.


There is a need to change the definition of obesity

One of the major reasons for the obesity problem is that we have been using the same criteria for everyone. In Europe, if someone's BMI is more than 30, he is considered obese, but people's bodies are different in every country, so the same criteria is not right for every place.


Therefore, scientists say that we should make different standards for every country. Some scientists from India have also agreed to this. They have written a report in which a new method of measuring obesity has been described. With this new method, we will be able to accurately find out who is really overweight and who is not.


Two new categories of obesity

In the new report of Lancet, Obesity has been divided into two parts, so that we can know how much harm obesity is causing to our body.


  • Clinical obesity: This means that due to obesity, some part of our body is not functioning properly. Such as heart, kidney or liver.
  • Pre-clinical obesity: This means that no disease has yet occurred, but there is an increased risk of disease due to obesity.

A new way of understanding obesity

In the Lancet report, Professor Rubino has said a very important thing. He said that asking whether obesity is a disease or not is not the right question. He explained that obesity is a very complex problem. Some people are very fat, but still remain perfectly fine, but some people become very sick even if they are slightly fat.


Professor Rubino has described a new way by which we can understand obesity in a better way. In this way we will be able to know which people need more attention. People who are going to get very sick will be able to get treatment quickly and those who are not sick yet can also be warned in advance.


With this new method, doctors will also know which people need what kind of treatment. This will help in proper use of the medicines and other things that doctors have. The best thing is that with this new method, each person will be given individual attention. That is, each person will be given different treatment.


Obesity is the cause of many serious diseases

Many people around the world are troubled by the problem of obesity. According to WHO, in the year 2022, more than one billion people were struggling with this problem. Let us tell you, obesity can cause many serious diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes and even cancer. Not only this, obesity also weakens our body. This can weaken the bones and also reduce our ability to walk. Due to obesity, we do not get good sleep and are not able to do our daily tasks properly.