
Washington. US President Joe Biden will host the NATO summit this week. The NATO summit to be hosted by US President Joe Biden this week is likely to be a strong showing by the US and its allies.

In addition to meeting with EU and Indo-Pacific partners to deepen their support and cooperation for Ukraine, during the summit significant new plans will be announced to enhance military, political and financial support for the European country.

Will include Sweden as a member of the alliance

The NATO summit will be the first to include Sweden as a member of the alliance. Sweden officially joined the alliance in March. The historic summit will also mark the 75th anniversary of the founding of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which is now a strong military alliance of 32 countries.

"This has been a really great step forward for Euro-Atlantic security in deterring threats to the United States and our allies," a senior administration official said ahead of the summit.

Biden will welcome NATO leaders

At the Washington summit, Biden will welcome NATO leaders and host a 75th anniversary commemoration event with the first lady at Mellon Auditorium, the site of the original signing of the North Atlantic Treaty that established NATO on April 4. It is also the site of a 1999 50th anniversary commemoration event hosted by then-President Bill Clinton.

On July 10, President Biden will welcome Sweden as the alliance's newest member at a meeting of NATO's 32 allies. Later in the evening, he will host NATO leaders for dinner at the White House. On July 11, NATO will hold a meeting with the European Union (EU) and NATO's Indo-Pacific partners - Australia, Japan, South Korea and New Zealand - to deepen their cooperation. Officials also said that strong language would be used against China.
