
Antofagasta. A 7.4 magnitude earthquake struck Antofagasta, Chile on Thursday. According to the United States Geological Survey, the epicenter of the earthquake was 265 kilometers east of the city of Antofagasta at a depth of 128 kilometers. The tremors of the earthquake were felt at 9:51 pm on Thursday night.  

According to news agency AFP, no tsunami warning has been issued yet. However, there is no news of loss of life or property due to the earthquake so far. The tremors of the earthquake were felt till Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina.

Earthquakes have caused devastation in Chile many times

Let us tell you that Chile is one of the most earthquake-prone countries in the world. It is located on the Ring of Fire of the Pacific Ocean. Earthquakes are felt from time to time in this region. Many volcanic eruptions occur in this region. In the year 1960, earthquakes of 9.5 magnitude were felt in Valdivia, Chile.  

In 1985, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Valparaiso. 177 people died due to the earthquake. In 2010, more than 500 people were killed in an 8.8 magnitude earthquake and the tsunami that followed.

What to do if you feel an earthquake

  • One should always remain calm in case of an earthquake.
  • After feeling the earthquake tremors, look for the safest place and go to a plain area away from buildings.
  • If you feel an earthquake, people inside your home should hide under a desk, table or bed.
  • If you feel an earthquake, move away from electrical wires.
  • If you feel earthquake tremors while driving, stop the vehicle immediately.