On the first day of the Uttar Pradesh Assembly session, Samajwadi Party (SP) MLAs came to the House and protested over issues of electricity, flood and law and order. Leader of Opposition and SP MLA Mata Prasad Pandey said, the state is currently facing serious issues like flood, law and order and corruption. On this, Speaker Satish Mahana told him, "We will discuss all these issues. You are the leader of the opposition, you have the right to give notice, you will do so and we will discuss all these issues. The government is ready to answer."
On the first day of the monsoon session of the legislature on Monday, UP Assembly Speaker Satish Mahana welcomed Samajwadi Party leader Mata Prasad Pandey, who has been appointed as the Leader of the Opposition in the House. After this, CM Yogi introduced four new ministers of his cabinet - OP Rajbhar, Anil Kumar, Dara Singh Chauhan and Sunil Sharma in the House.
Supplementary budget will be passed on August 1
Assembly Principal Secretary Pradeep Kumar Dubey has released the revised program of the Assembly. Ordinances, notifications, acts etc. will be tabled in the House on July 29. Apart from this, legislative work will be done. Supplementary budget will be presented on July 30. Legislative work will also be done on 31st. Supplementary budget will be passed on August 1. After legislative work on August 2, the proceedings of the House are likely to be adjourned indefinitely.
BJP Legislature Party Meeting
Before the monsoon session of the legislature began on Monday, the BJP called a meeting of the legislative party. This meeting was held at Lok Bhavan at 9:30 am. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath was present in it.