New Delhi. Numerology has special importance in Sanatan Dharma. Through this scripture, complete information about a person's love life, marriage, career and business is available. Angel calling is also in vogue these days. Come, let's know from numerologist and tarot expert Pallavi AK Sharma how the day of 17th August is going to be and what things you have to keep in mind?
According to numerology and tarot card reader Pallavi AK Sharma, the lord of the number 08 is Shani Dev, the god of justice. This means that the natives born on 08, 17 and 26 have a number 8. The lord of this number is the giver of karma. Shani Dev is the lord of Capricorn and Aquarius. Whereas, he is exalted in Libra. Shani Dev gives auspicious results to the natives who do good deeds. His grace always showers on the natives who do auspicious and good deeds. With his grace, even a pauper becomes rich in a short time. Currently, the natives of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces are going through Sade Sati. Therefore, the natives of these 3 zodiac signs need to be careful. Worshiping Lord Shiva will definitely benefit.
Angel advises that today you should remember your goals, karma, ideals, dedication towards work, will power and continuity. Pay special attention to those things. Use your inner strengths to stay energetic. Also try to do creative work. Give time to the family. Try to understand them and try to unite all the family members. Help the family members. Always keep one thing in mind that we reap what we sow. So move forward in life thoughtfully. Appreciate time management and your work skills. Do not try to control anyone today. Do not interfere in other's life. Do not waste your time by being available to everyone. Focus on your life and work. Do not spend your time in making or keeping people happy.
What to do
Today, people with the number 08 must repeat this for some time without stopping. I am grateful to Almighty God for the divine guidance and blessings in my life. I thank him.
- Recite the mantra OM GAM GANAPATIYE NAMAH.
- Recite Hanuman Chalisa and Sunderkand.
- Recite the mantra Om Namah Shivaya.
- Go to the temple and worship Shani Dev.
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