
New Delhi: Amid conspiracies to derail the country's trains, the Railway Board has directed all its zones to immediately remove all engineering parts, rail materials and other materials lying scattered or around the railway tracks so that miscreants cannot endanger train operations.

Railways will run security campaign

This week-long security campaign has started from September 9. According to railway officials, the Railway Board has alerted all zones and said that in order to ensure safe operation of trains, the leftover rail materials lying around the railway tracks like cement blocks, gas cylinders or any other items should be removed immediately. So that anti-social elements cannot use these materials to carry out attempts and conspiracies to cause train accidents.

Many failed attempts to overturn trains

Recently, many failed attempts have been made to derail running trains. Therefore, in this security campaign, instructions have been given to immediately remove engineering related parts from near the railway tracks. Western Railway's Track Maintainer General Secretary Satish Yadav said that often after repairing the railway track or changing the track, the people of the engineering department leave the leftover equipment there, which has no value in the market.

Engineering departments were alerted

The parts of the equipment usually include pieces of railway track, concrete sleepers weighing 280 kg to 320 kg and other materials, but later after some unexpected incidents it was understood that when these materials come in the hands of miscreants, they put them on the railway tracks. To prevent any such accident, engineering departments of all zones have been alerted. He told that on August 17, an attempt was made to derail the Sabarmati Express near Kanpur and for this, a meter long piece of rail track was kept on the railway track so that the train would crash. After registering an FIR in this case, its investigation has started.
