
New Delhi: Asthma is a chronic lung disease that can affect a person of any age. The muscles around the windpipe become constricted and infected, causing breathing problems and leading to asthma attacks. Coughing all night, wheezing, shortness of breath, feeling of tension in the chest, which causes pain while breathing, are all some of the symptoms of asthma.

In some people, asthma is triggered by cold weather or changing seasons, but at the same time, some myths related to asthma also confuse people. Therefore, it is very important to know some important myths related to asthma. Let us know some common myths related to asthma-

Myth- Asthma can be cured.

Truth- With the right treatment and medicines, the symptoms of asthma can be managed, but currently there is no medicine available that claims to cure asthma forever. It is a long term condition, the only treatment for which is to manage its symptoms.

Myth- Asthmatic people should not play sports.

Truth- People suffering from asthma are encouraged to lead an active lifestyle and are advised to join sports and gyms under medical guidance. An active life helps in keeping the lungs healthy.

Myth- Asthma occurs only in childhood.

Truth- Asthma may appear as a childhood disease, but it may persist into adulthood.

Myth- If there is no wheezing then there is no asthma.

Truth- The absence of wheezing does not guarantee that asthma has become inactive. Wheezing is usually audible to the ears, but when it is not audible, the doctor checks it with a stethoscope, where it can be heard clearly.

Myth- Asthma spreads through contact from one person to another.

Truth- Asthma is not a disease spread by any virus or bacteria, which can spread from one person to another. Rather, asthma is caused by many genetic and environmental factors, which does not spread by touching or coming in contact.
