
New Delhi: The web series starring Vijay Verma and Patralekha, released on Netflix in August, has refreshed the wounds of all those who witnessed that incident. Director Anubhav Sinha, who has made popular films like 'Tum Bin', 'Bheed' and 'Thappad', has come to OTT with his web series 'IC-814: The Kandahar Hijack'.

However, this web series released on Netflix has also raised many controversies. People are angry due to changing the names of the terrorists shown in the series and calling them Hindu names 'Bhola' and 'Shankar'. Let's know the reasons why you should watch this series:

Kandahar Hijack

On 24 December 1999, an Indian Airlines plane was hijacked and taken to Kandahar in Afghanistan. Many films have been made on this subject. However, the names of Indian Airlines, Kandahar and Maulana Masood Azhar were not mentioned in any film.

Anubhav Sinha has brilliantly depicted the suffering and tragedy faced by the passengers on board the plane from the hijacking of the plane to the seven days after the hijacking in IC-814 .

Characters of IC-814

When a fiction movie or a film is made on a real story or event, the focus is on only a few characters. But Anubhav Sinha has taken special care to bring to the world the story of all the pilots and air hostesses who were present in the plane during the hijack. From Sharan Dev's character played by Vijay Verma to Patralekha's 'Indrani' and Dia Mirza's 'Shalini Chandra' Chaaya and Vijay Bhavan Singh, every character of this series takes you closer to reality.


IC-814 not only highlights the Kandahar hijacking incident, but also talks about the standards of journalism. Why does her editor Shalini not publish the news of a reporter named Nandini? What are the reasons given behind it? All this has been shown in this webseries

Screenplay and Direction

The screenplay of IC-814 has been written by Trishant Srivastava. The story based on reality has not been presented in this web series just like that. To add strength to the story and connect it to the truth, video footage of statements of Indian government ministers, NSA and officials in 1999 has also been shown.

A lot of real footage from the plane hijacking has also been used. This web series of only six episodes has been made in such a way that you will keep watching it till the last episode.

