
 Vitamin-D, also known as "sunshine vitamin", is very important for our body. It is essential for bone health, immune system and many other body functions. Therefore, when there is a deficiency of vitamin-D in the body, many health problems can arise. Usually we believe that vitamin-D deficiency occurs due to lack of sunlight, but there are many other reasons (Causes of Vitamin-D Deficiency) due to which there can be a deficiency of vitamin-D in the body. Let's know.


Main causes of vitamin D deficiency

Less exposure to sunlight

  • Staying indoors for a long time- In today's lifestyle, people spend a lot of time indoors watching computer, mobile or television, due to which exposure to sunlight is reduced.
  • Less sunlight in cold weather- Sun rays are weak in cold weather, which reduces the production of vitamin D.
  • Clothing: Clothes that completely cover the body also prevent sunlight from reaching the skin.
  • Sun protection measures: To prevent skin cancer, people take measures to avoid exposure to the sun, such as applying sunscreen, but this can also cause a deficiency of vitamin D.


Lack of vitamin D in the diet

  • Low intake of food items rich in vitamin D- Vitamin D is found in fish, eggs, milk and some types of mushrooms. Low intake of these food items can lead to vitamin D deficiency.
  • Vegetarian food- Natural sources of vitamin D are limited in a vegetarian diet.

Digestive system problems

  • Malabsorption syndrome- In this condition, the intestines are unable to absorb nutrients properly, which may lead to vitamin D deficiency.
  • Celiac disease- This is an autoimmune disease in which the intestines become sensitive to a protein called gluten, which affects the absorption of vitamin D.

certain medications

  • Steroids- Long-term use of steroid medications can reduce vitamin D levels.
  • Antiepileptic drugs – Some antiepileptic drugs can also affect the absorption of vitamin D.


  • Increasing age: With increasing age, skin cells become less active, which results in reduced production of vitamin D from sunlight.

Other health problems

  • Kidney disease- Kidneys play an important role in converting vitamin D into its active form. This process is affected when kidney disease occurs.
  • Liver Disease- Liver plays an important role in the metabolism of vitamin D. This process gets affected when liver disease occurs.
  • Obesity- People suffering from obesity are at higher risk of vitamin D deficiency.