
New Delhi. Our body needs all the essential nutrients to function properly. Vitamins play a very important role in this. There are many types of vitamins, such as Vitamin A, B, C, D, E and K. All these vitamins have different functions in the body. The vitamin that is most needed for the proper functioning of the nervous system in the body is Vitamin B12. It plays a very important role in making red blood cells as well as DNA.

Every person should take 1 mcg of vitamin B12 in a day. However, this amount increases during pregnancy or lactation. Vitamin B12 is found in sufficient quantities in fish, shellfish, meat and eggs. In such a situation, its deficiency can cause many health problems. Due to its deficiency, some signs start appearing in the body, by keeping an eye on which its deficiency can be avoided. The signs of vitamin B12 deficiency are as follows-



 the production of red blood cells decreases, which leads to its deficiency. Due to this, our cells do not get enough oxygen and we feel tired.


Vitamin B12 deficiency can also cause neurological disorders, in which headache is a very common problem .


Vitamin B12 performs many important functions in the body. Helping the central nervous system to function smoothly is one of these functions. In such a situation, its deficiency affects mental health, which also leads to crying without any reason.

Weak eyesight

Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause optic nerve damage, which can lead to poor vision.

Trouble focusing

Due to the functioning of the central nervous system being affected, one also faces difficulty in focusing, which leads to a foggy head feeling.

Pain in the mouth and throat

Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause glossitis in the mouth, in which the tongue feels pain and swelling.
