New Delhi. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is contesting for the third time on a BJP ticket from Varanasi Lok Sabha seat in Uttar Pradesh. Famous comedian Shyam Rangeela had also filed his nomination from this seat, which was cancelled today i.e. on Wednesday. Shyam Rangeela is not the only candidate whose nomination has been cancelled. If we look at the candidates for Varanasi Lok Sabha seat, the list is quite long.
A total of 41 people, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, had filed nominations from the Varanasi Lok Sabha seat. Out of these, nominations of 33 people have been rejected. So far, nominations of seven people have been accepted. At the same time, the nomination of one person is at the application stage.
his nomination was rejected
Name | Team |
Shyam Sundar Rangeela | Independent |
Yogesh Kumar Sharma | Independent |
Ved Pal Shastri | Vanchit Samaj Insaaf Party |
tusha mittal | Independent |
Pervez Qadeer Khan | Peace Party |
Sunil Kumar | Indian National Samaj Party |
vijay nandan | Janhit Kisan Party |
Surender Reddy Pellakuru | Independent |
Amit Kumar | Independent |
Nityanand Pandey | Independent |
Vikram Kumar Verma | Independent |
Yashwant Kumar Gupta | Gandhian People's Party |
Ramkumar Jaiswal | Independent |
Suresh | Rashtra Uday Party |
Hemant Kumar Yadav | Humanitarian India Party |
Satisfaction | Fundamental Rights Party |
Nar Singh | Independent |
Harpreet Singh | All India Family Party |
sandeep tripathi | Independent |
Ashok Kumar | Independent |
Ajit Kumar Jaiswal | Independent |
Neha Jaiswal | Independent |
Reena Roy | Independent |
Surendra Narayan Singh | Bharatiya Janata Party |
Vinay Kumar Tripathi | People Party |
shivam singh | Independent |
Amit Kumar Singh | Independent |
Neeraj Singh | Independent |
Sachin Kumar Sonkar | Independent |
Vikas Kumar Singh | Independent |
sonia jain | Independent |
Avachit Shamrao Saiyam | Janseva Gondwana Party |
Abhishek Prajapati | Brave Man Party |
These candidates are in the fray
- Narendra Modi- BJP
- Ajay Rai- Congress
- Dinesh Kumar Yadav- Independent
- Gagan Prakash- Our Party (Kamerawadi)
- Athar Jamal Lari- BSP
- Sanjay Kumar Tiwari - Independent
- Prakash Nath Keshari- National Socialist People's Revolutionary Party
PM Modi is contesting elections for the third time
Prime Minister Narendra Modi filed his nomination for the third time from Varanasi seat on Tuesday. PM Modi won the Lok Sabha election from here for the first time in 2014. He has also won by a huge margin in 2019. Congress has fielded Ajay Rai against him for the second time. Athar Jamal Lari is in the fray from BSP. Voting for Varanasi Lok Sabha seat is to be held in the seventh phase on June 1.