
Salem: A video of a frightening incident has surfaced from Salem district of Tamil Nadu. In this incident captured on CCTV, a major accident was averted in Omalur when a cylinder kept in a truck during road construction suddenly caught fire and exploded. This incident took place in Chinnappampatti when the construction work of a four-lane highway was going on. The cylinder was being used to draw a white line on the road. Seeing the flames coming out of the truck at the time of the incident, the workers first tried to extinguish the fire, then immediately ran away from the spot and somehow saved their lives.

Authorities have launched an investigation into the incident

Fortunately, there was less traffic in the area at the time of the accident, due to which there was no loss of life. CCTV footage of the incident has surfaced, in which the cylinder is seen exploding. As soon as the cylinder exploded, the fire spread suddenly but no one was caught in it. Just before the cylinder exploded, a person was seen going to extinguish the fire, but immediately ran away from there. At the same time, there was very little traffic on the road, due to which a major accident was averted. Seeing the seriousness of the incident, the officials have started investigating the matter and additional safety measures will be taken to avoid such incidents in future.

Mother and son died in cylinder blast in Kashmir

Let us tell you that a few days ago an incident came to light from Poonch district of Jammu and Kashmir in which a woman and her 6-month-old son died due to alleged cylinder explosion inside their house. Officials said that when this incident happened in Jandrola village of Mandi area, Sajjad Hussain's wife Shazia Kausar was cooking food. He told that the neighbors extinguished the fire and admitted the seriously injured Kausar and her newborn son Ayan Ahmed to the hospital, where they were declared dead.