
New Delhi. Foods to Ease Menopause:  Every woman has to go through menopause. Symptoms of menopause start appearing after the age of 45. Menopause is absolutely natural and it happens when periods do not come for 12 months. During menopause, women have to go through many problems, the effect of which they have to bear physically and mentally. During this time hormonal changes occur, which causes problems like mood swings, hair loss, stress, muscle pain, excessive night sweats, etc. However, during this time women can feel better by taking special care of themselves and making some changes in their lifestyle and diet. By exercising daily and including these things in your diet, women can get relief to some extent. So let's know which are those food items.

Women need calcium and vitamin D the most during menopause, so that bones remain strong and there is no pain in the muscles. For this, milk, curd, paneer, cheese etc. should be included in your diet. Along with this, consumption of green vegetables like spinach, kale etc. also helps in fulfilling the deficiency of vitamin D in the body.

Soya Products

Soy products like soybeans, tofu, tempeh and soy milk help in keeping hormones balanced , which helps in getting rid of problems like mood swings and hot flashes.

Nuts and Seeds

During menopause, women should also consume nuts and seeds like almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, flax seeds in their diet. These nuts and seeds are considered a good source of healthy fats, fiber and protein , which helps in maintaining energy in the body. Apart from this, the magnesium present in them also keeps the mood good.

Whole grains

Fiber rich foods like oatmeal, quinoa, brown rice etc. help in maintaining good digestion and also keep weight under control. Along with this, the vitamin B present in it keeps the mood good.

Leafy Vegetables

Eating leafy vegetables like cabbage, broccoli is also beneficial during menopause. It helps in maintaining estrogen level and also reduces the risk of cancer.