
Uttarakhand News Today: Due to a recent major cyber attack in Uttarakhand, work on many government websites came to a standstill. During this, an attempt was made to capture sensitive data through Makop ransomware. Experts have confirmed that Makop ransomware was used in this attack, which was used for the first time in cybercrime in 2020 in the world.

During a cyber attack, ransomware encrypts the system files, due to which the data remains locked until the ransom demand is met. Makop ransomware is a dangerous cyber attack software, which after entering the system encrypts all its files and puts a lock on it. 

MAKOP is a dangerous cyber weapon.
After this, on opening the system, a ransom note is shown in which the cyber criminals demand ransom money. Till then, no file, data or information inside the system is available. 

This ransomware takes control of the entire structure of the system. It stops the functions of Windows and hides the folders. It also takes over the hardware and memory.

How does Makop work?
The most dangerous aspect of Makop ransomware is that it collects the entire system information and takes control over Windows functions. It blocks access to drives and folders and takes over hardware and memory.

The specialty of this ransomware is that it remains hidden until any special action is taken on the system. If an attempt is made to remove it or recover the data, it can destroy the entire data. 

Ransomware attacks have happened before as well
This is not the first time that the Makop ransomware attack has happened. Earlier, many major institutions in the country and around the world have fallen victim to it. In March 2022, the postal system of Greece fell victim to ransomware. 

In May 2022, a major Indian airline also faced this attack, leading to flight cancellations and passengers being stranded. In May 2021, a US fuel pipeline had to temporarily shut down its services due to a ransomware attack. 

Similarly, the world's largest meat supplier was also attacked by a ransomware attack in May 2021, which forced it to halt production and temporarily shut down its website. The company eventually got its systems back by paying a ransom of US$11 million in bitcoin.

Investigation of cyber attack begins
In the Uttarakhand cyber attack, it is not yet clear from where and who carried out this attack. The attackers of the Makop ransomware have not been identified yet. State and central agencies are investigating the attack and a team of cyber experts is working on it. 

At present, the chances of data recovery are very low. The government is keeping an eye on how serious the impact of this attack will be on the state. The NIA has also been involved in this investigation, many central agencies are working on this entire matter.

This attack has alerted the Uttarakhand government and institutions towards cyber security. It has become clear that strict security measures are required to avoid such dangerous cyber attacks in future.
