Pitru Paksha has started from the Pratipada date of Shukla Paksha i.e. 18 September 2024. The days of Pitru Paksha are considered to be one of the most sacred days, because at this time the ancestors come to earth and stay here for 16 days and go back to Pitru Lok on Sarvapitru Amavasya. Let us tell you, Shradh Paksha will end on October 2, 2024, so let us know some important things on the second day of Pitru Paksha (Pitru Paksha 2024 Second Day), which are as follows -
Know these things on the second day of Pitru Paksha (Pitru Paksha 2024 Ke Niyam)
- Do not consume any non-vegetarian food during the period of 16 days .
- Maintain celibacy in these days, as ancestors come to the earth and they also visit their home.
- During this period, buying new clothes, shoes, makeup items, gold and silver is completely prohibited.
- House warming should not be done during this period.
- One should also stay away from alcohol and gambling during this period.
- Buying jewellery should be avoided.
- Cutting hair, nails and shaving should also be avoided.
- Organising any auspicious events like Roka ceremony, engagement ceremony and marriage during this time is considered inauspicious.
- In this, one should avoid starting a new business or a new job.
Pitru Paksha 2024 Significance
Shraddha Paksha is a special time to perform Pitra rituals, which are completely dedicated to the ancestors. It is said that these rituals provide peace to the souls of the departed and help them get freedom from worldly attachments. Traditionally, the eldest son or any other male member of the family performs these rituals. This brings blessings from the ancestors.
Ancestors God Mantra
1. ॐ Tatpurushaya विद्महे Mahadevaya धीमहि तन्नो Rudra: prachodaya.
2. ॐ Pitraganaya विद्महे Jagat Dharini धीमहि तन्नो Pitru prachodayat.