
Every month, Sankranti is celebrated on the date of change of Sun's zodiac sign. At present, Sun God is sitting in Sagittarius. Hence, Kharmas is going on. At the same time, Makar Sankranti will be celebrated on the date of transit of Sun God in Capricorn. On this auspicious occasion, Sun God also becomes Uttarayan. According to astrologers, the transit of Sun God (Surya Gochar 2025) in Capricorn can bring changes in the lives of people of many zodiac signs. This will affect all the zodiac signs of the zodiac. Golden time will begin for the people of many zodiac signs. Let's know everything about it.


Sun sign change (Surya Gochar 2025)

According to astrological calculations, on January 14, the Sun will transit from Sagittarius to Capricorn. The Sun will transit into Capricorn on January 14 at 08:55 am. The Sun will remain in this zodiac till February 11, 2025. The next day, the Sun will transit from Capricorn to Aquarius. Makar Sankranti will be celebrated on the date of the Sun's transit into Capricorn. During the transit in Capricorn, the Sun will transit into Shravan on January 24 and Dhanishta Nakshatra on February 06. People of many zodiac signs will benefit from the change in the zodiac sign of the Sun.  


Mercury Transit 2025

The prince of planets, Mercury will transit from Scorpio to Sagittarius on January 04 (January 2025 Grah Gochar). After staying in Sagittarius for 20 days, Mercury will transit to Capricorn on January 24. During this, it will transit to Purvashada Nakshatra on January 13. At the same time, it will transit to Uttarashadha Nakshatra in 22 days.


These zodiac signs will benefit

Sagittarius natives will benefit during the transit of Sun God in Capricorn. The economic condition of the natives of this zodiac can be strengthened. At the same time, the natives of Pisces and Aries will benefit the most. The income of the natives of Pisces will increase. At the same time, the natives of Aries will get success in career and business. The Sun God showers special blessings on the natives of this zodiac. Therefore, the natives of Aries get relief from mental troubles. At the same time, the natives of Capricorn will also benefit from the change in the zodiac sign of Mercury. The transit of Mercury in Capricorn will create Budhaditya Yoga. The natives of two zodiac signs will get special benefits from this yoga. Overall, the golden time of the natives of many zodiac signs will start in the month of January.