
This year, Shradh Paksha started from Wednesday, 18 September 2024, which will end on Wednesday, 02 October. It is believed that during Pitru Paksha (Tritiya Shradh 2024 Daan), our ancestors come to the mortal world to meet us in some form or the other. During this time, Tarpan, Pinddaan etc. are also performed for the liberation of ancestors.

You will get the desired result (Shradh Paksha 2024 Daan)

Donating rice on the Tritiya Tithi of Pitru Paksha i.e. Friday (Tritiya Shradh 2024 Date) is considered very auspicious. Apart from this, you can also donate wheat or any other grain in Pitru Paksha. By doing this, the seeker can get the desired result.


The ancestors will find peace

In Pitru Paksha (Pitru Paksha 2024), donating white colored things like white sweets, curd, sugar etc. is also considered very good for the peace of the souls of ancestors. This pleases the ancestors and blesses the devotee with happiness and prosperity. Along with this, you can also donate new clothes, shoes, slippers and umbrellas in Pitru Paksha for the peace of ancestors.



Definitely do this work

Black sesame seeds are mainly used in rituals performed for the peace of ancestors during Pitru Paksha. In such a situation, donating black sesame seeds in Pitru Dosh is also considered very auspicious. Along with this, whatever donation you make for the ancestors, at that time also you must have black sesame seeds in your hand, only then that donation is considered complete.