A shocking incident is coming to light from the country's capital Delhi. Delhi Police has informed that a person has tried to commit suicide outside Rail Bhavan in Delhi. The person has tried to kill himself by setting himself on fire. As soon as the information of the incident was received, the police reached the spot and admitted the injured person to the hospital. The police is trying to gather information about why the person tried to kill himself.
The person has been identified
According to the information received so far, a person has set himself on fire at Rail Bhavan crossing. According to the information, the name of the person is Jitendra and he is a resident of Baghpat district of Uttar Pradesh. He had just come to Delhi by train. When the person set himself on fire, the local police and railway police along with some people immediately extinguished the fire and the person has been sent to the hospital.
The person is 90 percent burnt
According to the information received so far, the case of the man is possibly related to personal enmity in Baghpat, UP. Jitendra, who set himself on fire, has suffered 90 percent burns on his body. According to the information, the police have also found a diary and a two-page suicide note from Jitendra. The police have said that investigation so far has revealed that Jitendra was in trouble due to some case registered against him in Baghpat, Uttar Pradesh. Jitendra has been admitted to RML Hospital. Further investigation is underway in the case.