Sambhal Violence: A delegation of Samajwadi Party visited Sambhal on Monday. During this, the delegation handed over a cheque of Rs 5 lakh each to the families of those killed in the incident in Sambhal on November 24. This delegation went under the leadership of Leader of Opposition in the Assembly Mata Pratap Pandey. After meeting the victim families, SP MP Iqra Hasan has given a big statement.
SP MP Iqra Hasan has said that look, this is a small help from the party. We all have to act according to the constitution. We have met the victim's family. The law of the country has to be followed. On the claim of Harihar temple being in place of Shahi Jama Masjid, she said that whatever was there in 1947 should remain there.
Apart from Mata Prasad Pandey, Leader of Opposition in the Legislative Council Lal Bihari Yadav was also present in the SP delegation. He met the families of the victims of Sambhal violence. During this, MPs Iqra Hasan and Ziaur Rahman Barq were present together. The delegation met the victim families and handed over a cheque of Rs 5 lakh each to them.
Danish Azad's counter-attack
: On the issue of SP delegation's visit to Sambhal and giving Rs 5 lakh each to the victims, state minister in the UP government, Danish Azad Ansari, said, "Whatever Samajwadi Party is saying is a political stunt. Today, our Yogi government, whether it is the issue of Sambhal or any other district, is working honestly for the development and law and order there."
Let us tell you that after the survey in Shahi Jama Masjid, violence broke out in that area of Sambhal. Five people died in this violence. After this death, the delegation was not allowed to go there for several days, after which this delegation has reached there on Monday.