Republic Day celebrations are held every year on 26 January in India. During this, army soldiers parade on the path of duty and weapons are displayed by the Indian Army. Let us tell you that 26 January is a very special day because on this day the Constitution of India was completely prepared and India became a sovereign nation. Let us tell you that this time the country is celebrating its 76th Republic Day. In such a situation, this time everything from Pralay short range ballistic missile to Sanjay Battle Field Surveillance System is going to be very special. On the other hand, the President of Indonesia will be the chief guest this time.
Lieutenant Ahaan is a third generation officer
However, despite all this, there is one more thing which has become a matter of motivation and inspiration in the whole country. In fact, the GOC of Delhi Area of the Indian Army, Lieutenant General Bhavneesh Kumar and his son Lieutenant Ahaan are going to parade together on the occasion of Republic Day on the path of duty. Lieutenant General Bhavneesh Kumar is a decorated officer, who was commissioned in the third regiment of the Parachute Battalion and since then his history has been glorious. He is a second generation officer. His son Lieutenant Ahaan sees his father as a role model. He has been listening to stories about his grandfather since childhood. Let us tell you that his grandfather was also working in the Indian Army.
Father and son will parade together
Let us tell you that Lieutenant Ahaan joined the 69th Armed Regiment in the year 2023 and at this time he will participate in the parade on the path of duty as the contingent commander of the 61st Cavalry i.e. the cavalry squad. At the same time, the command of the entire parade will be taken over by none other than his father Lieutenant General Bhavneesh Kumar. This has been the tradition of the Indian Army, in which all the soldiers and officers are always ready to protect the country together and remain completely dedicated to the country from generation to generation and patriotism, patriotism is in every vein of the Indian Army.