Pune News: A wall in Pune was painted green and decorated with flowers. Its video went viral on social media, after which the matter escalated. On social media itself, a particular religion was accused of doing this intentionally. BJP leader Medha Kulkarni got angry at this and went and painted saffron over the green and built a temple there. Also, a picture of God was placed there.
Actually, such a case has come to light in Sadashiv Peth of Pune city. On this incident, BJP MP Medha Kulkarni has alleged that such cases have increased not only in Pune city but also in many other places including Maharashtra. After this, Medha Kulkarni herself went and painted the wall saffron and posted it on social media.
'The fun of applying saffron colour was something else' - BJP leader
The BJP leader posted and wrote, "Yesterday a WhatsApp message went viral that the road adjacent to Gyanprabodhini School in Sadashiv Pethe was painted green. There was worship with garlands, flowers and incense sticks. I went to that place today to check it. First confirmed and then the fun of applying saffron colour on green with Sangram Dhole Patil, Sanket Mehendale, Yashpal Jadhav and Datere was something else."
He further wrote, "Not only in Pune city, but in many other places including Maharashtra, such cases have increased at this time. These places, which were small earlier, are suddenly being taken over. Let us be alert."
'If this happens anywhere, inform us' - BJP leader
Medha Kulkarni wrote in the post, "We are saffron clad. We are Shri Ram Pujari." Also, she shared a phone number with the people and wrote, "My only request to all of you is that being aware Hindus, let us pay attention to what is happening around us and take action. If needed, please inform us, my phone number is given here."