According to the Vedic calendar, September 24 is the Ashtami date of Krishna Paksha of Ashwin month. Kalashtami and monthly Krishna Janmashtami will be celebrated on this auspicious date. Along with this, tarpan and pinddaan of ancestors will be done. According to astrologers, many auspicious coincidences including rare Dwipushkar Yoga are being formed on the Ashtami date of Pitru Paksha ( Ashtami Shraddha 2024 ). By offering tarpan to ancestors in these yogas, a person will get the blessings of the ancestors. Along with this, all kinds of sorrows will be destroyed. Let us know about the auspicious yoga formed on Ashtami Shraddha of Pitru Paksha-
auspicious time
According to the Vedic calendar, the Saptami Tithi of Krishna Paksha of Ashwin month is till 12:38 pm on 24 September. After this, Ashtami Tithi will begin. Ashtami Tithi will end on 25 September at 12:10 pm.
Rare Dwi-pushkar Yoga (Ashtami Shraddha Dwi-pushkar Yog)
Dwipushkar Yoga is being formed on the Saptami Tithi of Pitru Paksha . This yoga is being formed from 06:11 am. Whereas, it is ending at 12:38 pm.
Shivavas Yoga
Shivavas Yoga is being formed on the Ashtami date of Pitru Paksha (Pitru Paksha 2024). This yoga is being formed on 24th September from 12:39 pm. During this time, Mahadev, the God of Gods, will be seated on Kailash with Mother Gauri. By offering tarpan to the ancestors during Shivavas, the ancestors will attain salvation.
On the Ashtami Tithi of Krishna Paksha of Ashwin month, the yogas of Bava and Balava Karan are being formed. In these yogas, one can perform tarpan for ancestors. Along with this, the combination of Mrigasira Nakshatra and Ardra Nakshatra is being formed. By performing tarpan for ancestors in these auspicious yogas, the seeker will get eternal fruits.
Sunrise - at 6:11 am
Sunset - 6:15 PM
Moonrise - at 11:02 pm
Moonset - 12:57 PM
Brahma Muhurta - from 04:35 am to 05:23 am
Vijay Muhurat - from 02:13 pm to 03:02 pm
Twilight time - from 6:15 pm to 6:39 pm
Nishita Muhurta - from 11:49 pm to 12:37 am