
In Sanatan Dharma, the period of Pitru Paksha (Shradh Rituals) is considered very auspicious for performing Pinddaan and Tarpan etc. for the ancestors. The ancestors get liberation by performing Shradh rituals during this period and they bless their descendants with happiness and prosperity. In such a situation, if you are going to perform Tarpan for the first time, then you must keep these rules in mind to get full benefits.   


Do Tarpan in this way

Take special care that only the most senior male of the family should offer water to the ancestors. If there is no senior in the house, then in such a situation the grandson or granddaughter can also offer water. For offering water to the ancestors, take Judi in the morning before sunrise and place it under the Peepal tree. After this, take some plain water in a pot and add Ganga water, milk powder, barley and black sesame seeds to it.


Then offer water 108 times on the Kusha tree and recite the mantra Om Pitru Devataye Namah, during this your face should be towards the south. Along with this you can also chant the mantra Om Pitru Ganaya Vidmahe Jagat Dharine Dheemahi Tanno Pitro Prachodayat. After this feed the Brahmins and give donations according to your capacity. Also take out food for cows, crows, dogs and ants.


Keep these things in mind (Rules of Pitru Paksha)

During Pitru Paksha, one must remember the ancestors after taking bath twice in the morning and evening. Along with this, it is advisable to eat satvik food during Pitru Paksha. Along with this, milk and sattu should also be used as little as possible during this period. Along with this, Geeta should be recited daily during Pitru Paksha.

One should also keep in mind that one should never perform Shraddha by taking loan, rather one should perform Shraddha according to one's capacity. While serving food to Brahmins, one should keep in mind that the food utensils should be held with both hands and one should remain silent during the meal.
