The time of Shradh Paksha is considered very important. It is also known as Shradh. This time is dedicated to the ancestors. It is said that by performing tarpan during this time, the ancestors attain salvation. Also, the problems related to Pitra Dosh are resolved. At the same time, some important rules have been made for this period, which are also very important to follow.
However, many times people ignore it, which should not be done. At the same time, if someone dies during this time (Pitru Paksha 2024), then it means, let us know about it.
What is the meaning of death in the ancestral side? (Death in the ancestral family gives this indication)
According to religious beliefs, if any person dies during Pitru Paksha , it is considered very auspicious. It is said that such people get a place in Baikunth Dham. Also, these people are blessed by God. Apart from this, no change is made in the last rites of such people and the last rites are performed with the same rules as at other times. If a person dies an untimely death during Pitru Paksha, then his Tarpan should never be performed at home.
For this, one should go to Gaya and get the Pind Daan done by a knowledgeable Pandit, so that he can attain salvation and his soul can get liberated.
What not to do during Pitru Paksha?
Tamasik things should not be consumed during this period. Brahmacharya should be followed during this period . Buying new clothes, gold-silver, jewellery etc. should be avoided during this period. Housewarming should not be done during this time. Alcohol and gambling should also be avoided during this period.