The time of Pitru Paksha is considered very important. It is also called Pitru Paksha or Shradh. This is an important period dedicated to offering tarpan to ancestors, which lasts for 16 days. It is said that by offering tarpan to ancestors during this time, they attain salvation. Also, the problems related to Pitru Dosh are resolved. At the same time, there are 3 such dates of Pitru Paksha, in which their soul is satisfied by performing Shradh-karma, so let's know about those special periods (Pitru Paksha 2024).

3 important dates of Pitru Paksha (Pitru Paksha 2024)
Although all the dates of Shradh Paksha (Shradh Paksha 2024) have special significance, but Bharani Shradh, Navami Shradh, Sarvapitre Amavasya are considered very special. It is believed that during this period, the Shradh of the ancestors who have died an untimely death and who do not have children or whose death date is not known should be performed, this gives peace to their soul and they get a place in Baikunth Dham. It is said that performing Shradh-karma on this date pleases the ancestors.
Remedies for removal of Pitra Dosh
To get rid of Pitra Dosh, offer food to your ancestors during Pitra Paksha and chant their mantras. Apart from this, worship Lord Shiva daily during Shraddha Paksha and get his Pind Daan done by a qualified Brahmin. By doing this, you will be protected from the bad effects of Pitra Dosh. Also, happiness will come in the person's life, but keep in mind that during this time, definitely avoid tamasic things.