Peethadheeshwar of Bageshwar Dham Pandit Dhirendra Krishna Shastri reached Jodhpur on Wednesday (22 January). Here he spoke to the media and gave his reaction on Maha Kumbh. Crores of people have taken bath in Maha Kumbh so far. On this he said that Indian Sanatan culture is very amazing. It is a matter of pride that we all belong to Sanatan culture. It is the glory of Sanatan culture that Steve Jobs's wife becomes Kamala.
Other religions of the world are narrow minded- Dhirendra Shastri
Pandit Dhirendra Krishna Shastri said, “This Maha Kumbh is starting after 144 years, which is grand, divine and a symbol of unity. He said that other religions of the world have a narrow attitude that they say that others are infidels. Even the French and Americans take a dip in the Sanatan tradition. We are welcoming the whole world with open arms.”
'If anyone points a finger at Hindutva then...'
On the question of Bageshwar Sena, he said, "This time on 19th January, we organized the Adivasi Janjagran Maha Sammelan. 22 buses had left from Rajasthan. 1200 families had set out for the Maha Kumbh Yatra. They joined the Adivasi Janjagran at Bageshwar Dham. The softest target for conversion are our tribal brothers and sisters, they are friends of nature, close to nature. Water, forest and life are paramount for them. To stop the forces of conversion, to expel the anti-religious forces from the country, we have launched a new campaign. We will create Hanuman Chalisa Bageshwar Mandal in every village and locality. So that in future if anyone raises a finger against Hindutva, he will be expelled from the country."
More than 7 crore people have taken bath so far
Let us tell you that Maha Kumbh is a big religious event organized every 12 years, which has started in Prayagraj from January 13 and will continue for 45 days. So far, more than seven crore devotees have taken a dip in the Sangam. Additional District Magistrate of Maha Kumbh Nagar Vivek Chaturvedi said that more than 15 lakh Kalpvasis are expected to arrive.