
KATHMANDU, Nepal :  At least 66 people are missing after a landslide swept two buses off a highway into a swollen river in Nepal on Friday. Rescue workers recovered a total of seven bodies from the river on Monday. Rescue workers were searching for bodies at different locations along the river while the search for the missing buses and the people on board continued.     

The bodies have been identified; 3 Indians and 4 Nepalese

Government administrator Khema Nanda Bhusal said that the bodies have been identified and their relatives have been contacted. Three of the dead are Indians and the remaining four are Nepali citizens. For information, let us tell you that these buses were on the main highway connecting Kathmandu to the southern parts of the country. On Friday morning, the bus was swept away near Simaltal, about 120 kilometers (75 miles) west of Kathmandu. 

How many people were there in the two buses?

Additional rescue teams and security forces have been rushed to the area to assist in rescue efforts. Bhusal said one bus was carrying 24 people while the other had 42, but more people may have boarded the buses en route.For information, let us tell you that the monsoon season, which starts in June and ends in September, brings heavy rains to Nepal, which usually causes landslides in the Himalayan country. 

