New Delhi. Actress Hina Khan shared a post on social media on Friday and told that she is in the third stage of breast cancer and is undergoing treatment for it. After this news, Hina's fans are very upset and are constantly praying for her. Hina is constantly active on social media and is sharing every moment of her journey with her fans.
Recently, she shared a video in which she told that she had reached the award show before taking her first chemotherapy. Where she was awarded a special award. Now on Thursday, the actress has shared a new video of her, in which she is seen getting her hair cut. Along with this, she has also shared her new look.
Hina Khan cut her hair
Hina Khan posted a video of herself on Instagram on July 4, in which she is seen sitting in front of the dressing table and talking to her mother. Though she is not seen in the camera, her crying voice can be heard and the actress is seen explaining to her mother. Along with this, she also wrote a long message - You can hear my mother crying in Kashmiri who is blessing me. When she prepared herself to see something that she had never dared to imagine.
I know it's hard, I know that for most of us our hair is the crown we never take off, but what if you're facing such a tough battle that you have to lose your hair - your pride, your crown? You're going to have to make some tough decisions if you want to win.
"I choose to win"
Further Hina Khan wrote- I choose to win. I have decided to give myself every possible chance to win this battle. I want to give up my beautiful hair before it falls off. So, I chose to give up my crown, because I realized that my real crown is my courage, my strength and my love for myself and yes I have decided to use my hair to make a good wig for this phase. Hair will grow back, eyebrows will come back, wounds will heal, but the soul must remain intact.
I am recording my journey
I am recording my story, my journey, to ensure that my efforts to embrace myself reach everyone. If my story can make even one day of this heartwarming but excruciating experience better for someone, then it is worth it. May God ease our pain and please pray, pray, pray for me.