
WHO has declared monkeypox an international emergency. This disease, which is spreading all over the world, has now reached India as well. In such a situation, it is important to be cautious about it. Monkeypox was first reported in humans in 1970. It is a viral infection, which is caused by a virus of the smallpox virus family. Nowadays it is spreading again due to the clade variant of monkeypox. Clade variants are also of two types, Clade I and Clade II.

Ampox starts showing its symptoms 3 weeks after coming in contact with the virus. Rashes can be seen on hands, feet, chest, mouth, genitals. These rashes can also appear in the form of blisters or pimples. Itching or pain is also possible in them. Along with adults, children can also get Ampox infection. Let us know the symptoms of this disease in children and the way to prevent it-


How can ampox spread in children-

This disease can spread among people in many ways. Talking about children, due to weak immunity, children easily fall prey to this disease. Apart from this, it can also spread among children due to the following reasons.

  • On contact with skin rashes
  • Also from infected items like clothes, used utensils etc.
  • Droplets from an infected person's sneeze or cough
  • Upon contact with infected animals
  • Pregnant women can also pass this infection to the child.
  • It can also spread by sitting and playing with infected parents, caregivers or other family members.

symptoms of ampox in children

  • Skin rash
  • fever
  • Throat pain
  • Headache
  • body pain
  • Back pain
  • Low Energy
  • swollen lymph nodes

How to save children from the havoc of ampox

  • Be aware of the disease, understand the symptoms and keep an eye on the spread of infection around you.
  • If someone has contracted ampox, do not share any items with him/her and maintain as much distance as possible from such people.
  • Along with children, make it a habit to wash your hands frequently with soap or handwash.
