
Meen Sankranti 2025 is a significant festival marking the transition of the Sun into the zodiac sign of Pisces (Meen). It is celebrated with devotion, especially in parts of India, where people perform rituals for health and prosperity. Here's when Meen Sankranti will occur and the auspicious time for its celebration.

Date of Meen Sankranti 2025

  • Meen Sankranti 2025 will be observed on [specific date] in March, depending on the lunar calendar. It's important to check the local calendar for exact timing.

Auspicious Time (Muhurta)

  • The auspicious time for performing the rituals and taking a holy dip (if applicable) will fall during the Sankranti moment, typically at the day’s sunrise or as per the specific Muhurta.
  • It’s essential to follow the correct timing to ensure the rituals are done at the most spiritually beneficial time.

Meen Sankranti is believed to be an ideal time for spiritual growth, well-being, and new beginnings. The day also holds significance for donating and performing good deeds.