
New Delhi. Mahabharat story: Many such incidents have happened during the Mahabharata period, which can surprise any person. The birth of 100 sons at once may seem impossible to anyone. But during the Mahabharata period, Gandhari and Dhritarashtra had 100 sons and one daughter.   

Sage Vyasa gave the boon

According to the legend, pleased with Gandhari's service, Sage Vyas gave her a boon that she would become the mother of 100 sons. It is mentioned in the Mahabharata that when Gandhari became pregnant, she carried the pregnancy for 2 years instead of 9 months. After this, no child was born from Gandhari's womb, but a piece of flesh came out of her womb.

A daughter was also born

After this, sage Vyas divided this piece of meat into 101 parts and kept them in different earthen pots. After some time, those pieces of meat evolved into children. One by one 100 sons were born, in which the eldest Kaurava was named Duryodhana, who is also one of the main characters of Mahabharata. In the end, a daughter was also born from these pitchers, whose name was Dushala.

This is why birth was delayed

It is described in the Mahabharata that Gandhari had committed sin by killing living beings in her previous life. Due to which there was so much delay in the birth of their child. He had this because in his previous birth and he got the result of that in Dwaparayuga. Another story is also found that Gandhari had killed 100 tortoises in her previous birth, due to which her 100 sons died. 

