Navratri is celebrated 04 times every year, out of which almost everyone would know about Sharadiya and Chaitra Navratri. Very few people know about Gupt Navratri which comes 02 times a year. One Gupt Navratri is celebrated in the month of Magh, while the other Gupt Navratri comes in the month of Ashadh. During this, mainly 10 Mahavidyas are worshiped. In such a situation, let us know how you can get the blessings of 10 Mahavidyas in Gupt Navratri (Magh Gupt Navratri 2025).
When will the Gupt Navratri start (Magh Gupt Navratri Start Date)
The Pratipada Tithi of Shukla Paksha of Magh month is starting on 29th January at 06:05 PM. Whereas this Tithi will end on 30th January at 04:10 PM. Thus, Magh Gupt Navratri will start from Thursday, 30th January and will end on Friday, 07th February. The auspicious time for Ghatasthapana is going to be as follows -
Ghatasthapana Muhurta - from 09:25 am to 10:46 am
Ghatasthapana Abhijit Muhurta - from 12:13 pm to 12:56 pm
Verses of Durga Saptashati
Om Gyaninampi Chetansi Devi Bhagwati Hi Sa.
Baladkrishya Mohay Mahamaya Prayachhati.
Durga Smrita Harsi Bhitimshesh Janto: Swasthai Smrita Matimmativ Shubham Dadasi.
Donating the skin of those suffering from poverty, sorrow and fear, doing good to all.
All good wishes for all the devotees of Shiva.
Namostu te to Gauri Narayani who surrenders to Triyamba.
surrendered, humbled, alienated
Sarvasyarti Hare Devi Narayani Namostu Te॥4॥
Sarvaswarupe Sarveshe Sarvashakti Samnavite.
Bhayebhyastrahi no Devi Durge Devi Namostu te.
Rogansheshanpanhasi tushtarushta tu kaman sakalanbhishtaan.
Tvamashritanaam na vipannaranaam tvamashritana hi ashrayataam prayanti.
Sarvabadha Prashamanam Trailokyasyakhileshwari.
Definitely do this work
Magha Gupt Navratri is considered to be an excellent period for getting the blessings of Goddess Durga. In such a situation, you can recite religious texts like Durga Saptashati as well as chant the names of Goddess Shakti, Devi Mahatmya and Shrimad-Devi Bhagwat in this Navratri. This keeps the blessings of Goddess Mother on you and all the troubles of life are removed.