After the bumper success of Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkumar Rao's horror comedy film Stree 2 released last year, the stature of producer Dinesh Vijan's production house Maddock Films has increased a lot in Hindi cinema. Fans are very excited about the films made under this banner.
Meanwhile, on the special occasion of New Year, Maddock Films has given a new gift to the cine lovers and has announced the release dates of the upcoming movies in the coming 3 years. Let us know which are the most awaited movies included in this list.
There will be a stir at the box office
Just as Stree 2 has written a new chapter of success in Hindi cinema by earning record-breaking money in 2024, Maddock Films can be seen repeating history in the coming times. On January 2, Dinesh Vijan released the list of his upcoming films on social media, in which their release date is also final.
Movie | Release Date |
held the | 20 October 2025 |
Shakti Saloni | 31 December 2025 |
wolf 2 | 14 August 2026 |
Chamunda | 4 December 2026 |
Woman 3 | 13 August 2027 |
Maha Munjya | 24 December 2027 |
First World War | 11 August 2028 |
Second World War | 18 October 2028 |
In this way, Dinesh Vijan has made a big announcement in the entertainment world. After this announcement, the excitement of the fans has reached the seventh sky. It is believed that all these films will be seen creating new records at the box office.
Special planning of Maddock Films
Just like the Marvel Universe in Hollywood combined all the superhero films to create Avengers Infinity War and Avengers Endgame, in the same way, producer Dinesh Vijan is also making new plans through Maddock Films.
It is believed that in Pehla Mahayuddha and Doosra Mahayuddha, the audience will get to see the final conclusion of all the other horror comedy universe films. It can be said that Thaama, Stree, Bhedia and Munjya can be seen together.