
If you also have the habit of sleeping with a mobile phone near your pillow, then this news can take away your sleep. Whether you do this because of the alarm or you have a habit of using the mobile late at night, let us tell you that in every way it can prove to be a big threat to health. The blue-light and dangerous radiation emitted from the mobile phone works like a silent killer and puts you in great danger even before you realize it. Let us know its side effects and ways to prevent it.


Disadvantages of sleeping with the mobile near the head

  • Sleeping schedule gets disturbed: The blue light emitted from the mobile affects the melatonin hormone which controls sleep. This can lead to insomnia, frequent sleep disruptions and a decline in the quality of sleep.
  • Headache and migraine: Mobile radiation can cause headache and migraine. Especially when you sleep with the mobile very close to your head.
  • Pricking sensation in the ears: The radiation emitted from the mobile also seriously affects your ears and can cause the problem of pricking sensation in the ears.
  • Skin related problems: Bacteria grow very quickly on the mobile screen. When you sleep with the mobile near your face, these bacteria can reach your skin and cause problems like pimples and acne .
  • Risk of cancer: No concrete evidence has been found in this regard yet, but some studies show that mobile radiation can also increase the risk of cancer.
  • Stress and anxiety: Using mobile before sleeping can increase stress and anxiety. This badly disturbs the sleeping schedule.
  • Heart diseases: Studies show that mobile radiation can also invite heart diseases . This is why you should give up this habit immediately.


Why does loss occur?

  • Radiation emitted from mobile: Radiation emitted from mobile can damage the cells of our body.
  • Effect of Blue Light: The blue light emitted from the mobile screen reduces the production of melatonin hormone, which badly disrupts the sleeping schedule.
  • Bacterial infection: There are a lot of bacteria on the mobile screen which can cause infection if they come in contact with the skin.


How can we protect ourselves?

  • Stop using mobile at least one hour before sleeping.
  • Never sleep with the mobile phone under the pillow or near your head.
  • Go to a quiet and dark room before going to sleep.
  • Keep the mobile outside the room or put it on airplane mode.
  • Keep cleaning your mobile regularly.