
New Delhi. Heat Wave Prevention Tips: The continuous increase in temperature is affecting the life of the people. It is becoming difficult for people to leave their homes. Due to the heat, people do not get relief not only during the day but also at night. It is estimated that the mercury can go up to 50 degrees in many states and cities of the country.  To protect from severe heat and heat wave, the Health Ministry has also advised workplaces to adopt necessary safety measures. So that the employees do not face any problems. The Health Ministry has shared a post on its social media, in which it has asked employers to keep adequate drinking water facilities at the workplace. Also, it has been asked to avoid putting employees on duty outside during the scorching heat of the day. Schedule outdoor duty only when the weather is cool, and also allow employees to rest.

Health Ministry's suggestion regarding heat

The health ministry has also advised employers to train employees to recognise the symptoms of heat illness. "Headaches, dizziness, dehydration and breathing problems are common symptoms of heat-related illness,"  the ministry said.

Symptoms of heatstroke

Dehydration, headache, dizziness and breathing problems are common symptoms of heat stroke. Apart from this, heat stroke can also cause problems like diarrhea , typhoid, skin infection. It is very important to take some precautions to avoid these dangers in summer.


These people are at greater risk of heat stroke 

Some people are at a higher risk of heat stroke. People who drink too much alcohol, do not drink enough water, and people suffering from heart and kidney diseases are also easily affected by heat stroke. 
