The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has taken a big action in the Mahadev Satta case. The central agency has attached assets worth Rs 387.99 crore in the Mahadev Satta case under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act. The ED attached this property on December 5. The attached property also includes movable assets of Mauritius-based company Tano Investment Opportunities Fund. It was invested in Hari Shankar Tibrewal through FPI and FDI.
Assets linked to betting app
The ED has also attached immovable properties located in Chhattisgarh, Mumbai and Madhya Pradesh. According to the agency, all these properties belong to the promoters, panel operators and associates of several betting apps and websites.
Mahadev app promotes betting
ED investigation has revealed that Mahadev online betting app works as a syndicate. A person registers himself in it. After this his user ID is created. The app has a complex network of benami bank accounts. Through this, it carries out money laundering. Investigation has also revealed that this app promotes betting through online platforms.
Property worth Rs 2,295.61 crore seized so far
In the Mahadev Satta case, the ED has so far seized or frozen assets worth Rs 2,295.61 crore. This includes cash worth Rs 19.36 crore, goods worth Rs 16.68 crore and movable assets including bank balance and securities worth Rs 1,729.17 crore.
11 people arrested so far
ED has arrested 11 people so far in the Mahadev Satta case. Apart from this, four prosecution complaints have also been filed in the special PMLA court of Raipur. Earlier, the central agency had ordered the confiscation of properties worth Rs 142.86 crore.
Last year, the Enforcement Directorate raided the money laundering network related to the Mahadev Satta case. During this, cash worth Rs 5.39 crore and a bank balance of Rs 15.59 crore was found. The ED has also questioned many celebrities and film personalities. These celebrities were questioned because of their connection with the betting platform. Charge sheets have also been filed against the main promoters of the app, Saurabh Chandrakar and Ravi Uppal.