
Lucknow News: Doctors are continuing their protest against the rape of a female doctor in Kolkata. In the capital Lucknow, doctors are protesting outside KGMU for their various demands. A large number of doctors are protesting at KGMU's gate number one demanding justice and implementation of CPA Act in the Kolkata incident. Doctors have been on hunger strike sitting in front of the gate for the last 36 hours.

The doctors sitting on the dharna say that they have been sitting on the dharna for a long time but the administration is neither taking any action nor are those who want to convey our message able to reach there. Still, we will continue to sit till our demands are met. Our demand is that we are sitting for the Center Protection Act and for justice for the Kolkata case.

Demand for implementation of CPA Act
Vice President KGMU said that we have been on hunger strike for three days so that our voice can be heard. Our issue should not be taken lightly, the Central Protection Act for our security and law and order should be implemented as soon as possible. We demand security for which we have to come out on the streets. We have to go on hunger strike. We have been forced but our voice is not reaching the administration.

President KGMU, All India Medical Association and National General Secretary told that our issues are the same as stated. Central Protection Act should be implemented and there should be no misbehavior with our colleagues. Whatever demands our doctors from Bengal have, they should also be fulfilled.
