The day of Dev Uthani Ekadashi is considered very auspicious. It is also known as Vishnu-Prabodhini, Dev Prabodhini Ekadashi, Kartik Shukla Ekadashi and Kartiki Ekadashi, which is celebrated every year on the Ekadashi date of Shukla Paksha of Kartik month. This Ekadashi also marks the end of "Chaturmas". According to the scriptures, on this day Shri Hari wakes up from his Yoga Nidra. According to the Hindu calendar, this year this Ekadashi (Dev Uthani Ekadashi 2024 Ki Shubhkamnaye) is being celebrated on 12 November i.e. today, so let us share the wishes given here with our loved ones to make this holy date even more auspicious, which are as follows.
Best wishes for Dev Uthani Ekadashi (Dev Uthani Ekadashi 2024 Wishes)
- May auspicious songs (Dev Uthani Ekadashi 2024 Greetings) be sung in your house too, may happiness, prosperity and joy come to your house on Devuthani Ekadashi, Happy Devuthani Ekadashi.
- On the occasion of Devuthani Ekadashi, we pray to Shri Hari that his blessings may always remain upon you to show you the right path, Happy Devuthani Ekadashi.
- Wishing you a very Happy Devuthani Ekadashi, may Lord Vishnu remove all your problems and give you the strength to face all obstacles.
- Let us celebrate Devuthani Ekadashi with our loved ones to thank Lord Vishnu for his blessings and love, his support and guidance (Dev Uthani Ekadashi Whatsapp Status)
- We will decorate the sugarcane pavilion, we will wake up Lord Vishnu, we will celebrate the festival of Ekadashi together, Happy Devuthani Ekadashi!
- May this festival of Ekadashi bring happiness and success for you, best wishes to you on Devuthani Ekadashi.
- Happy Devuthani Ekadashi to you and your family , may Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi bless you with all the happiness, wealth and prosperity.
- Wake up our God, wake up our beloved, fill the courtyard with happiness, heartiest wishes of Devuthani Ekadashi.
- That will be the most beautiful sight, there will be a garland of diyas on the wall, Tulsi Maa will sit in every courtyard and our first wish will be for you, Happy Devuthani Ekadashi.
Worship Mantra of Shri Hari
- Om Narayanaya Vidmahe. Vasudevaya slow down. Tanno Vishnu Prachodayat.
- Om Bhurida Bhuri Dehino, Ma Dabhram Bhurya Bhar. Bhuri Ghedindra Ditsasi.
Om Bhurida Tyasi Shruta: Purutra Shur Vrutrahan. Aa no Bhajasva Radhasi.