Actress Rashmika Mandanna, who brought a storm at the box office with Pushpa 2 The Rule, is in the headlines these days for her upcoming Hindi film Chhaava. The actress is being liked a lot in the look of Rani Yesubai. She has also started promoting the film with a broken leg. She is trying to hide her pain. It is not us, but the actress herself who has said this.
Rashmika Mandanna suffered a leg injury this month. She got injured while sweating it out in the gym. Meanwhile, the film Chhava is about to release, so the actress is leaving no stone unturned in promoting the film instead of sitting at home and resting. Recently, she has given her health update through a post.
Rashmika Mandana did promotion while being injured
Rashmika Mandanna has suffered three fractures in her leg and a muscle has torn. However, she has adapted to the character of Maharani Yesubai so much that she has learned to hide her pain like her. She has given her health update through a post on social media. One video is of the promotion of Chhava, in which she participated while being injured.
Rashmika Mandana is hiding her pain
In a video, someone is seen making a painting on the plaster on Rashmika Mandanna's leg. In one photo, the actress has shown her medical report and in another, her X-ray report. In the last video, she is seen smiling. Sharing it, she wrote, "My life at this moment. Promoting Chhava . I feel very honored, blessed and grateful to play the character of Maharani Yesubai. She never showed her pain to her people and I won't either. Smiling in the midst of all this as always."
Rashmika Mandanna has three fractures in her leg
Rashmika Mandanna further added, "My girls made it look so cute from the outside (plaster on the leg) but inside there are 3 fractures and a torn muscle. (Note- not so cute.) I haven't put my foot on the ground for 2 weeks. I really miss standing on my feet. Please take care of yourself and don't take it lightly when people tell you so. I am sending love and strength to all of you and I am holding on to your love and strength very dearly. Lots of love to you all."